John Bathke
Phone: (612) 991-5363
Email: john@b-green.us
I am a Licensed Real Estate Broker in Minnesota, Duluth branch, working mostly in Lake, St. Louis & Cook Counties.
I am a small Non-Industrial Private Forest Landowner (NIPF) and represent an association that is a large NIPF (1,800 acres), both in Lake County.
I have had a life-long interest in the outdoors, especially hunting and fishing. In recent years I have been increasingly interested and involved in forestry, including the U of M/DNR/MFA Woodland Advisor Program. We enjoy boating on Lake Superior, keeping a boat at the Silver Bay Marina. I have a small circular sawmill and a horizontal band sawmill, both with partners, in Two Harbors and Saginaw, MN. I am a U of M Extension Master Naturalist Instructor – Northwoods / Great Lakes. I serve on the Lake County Planning Commission and Lake County Forest Commission. I am involved with many conservation organizations including MN Deer Hunters Association, Trout Unlimited and MN Forestry Association.